Glory to you, God, our Father.
Glory to you, God, Creator of the Heavens and the earth.
Glory to You Supreme Omnipotence.
Glory to You, Fountain of Love and Eternal Wisdom.
Glory to You, Highest Infinite Majesty.
Glory to You, Abundant Fountain of Existence.
Glory to You, Glorious Cause without Cause.
Glory to You, Divine Promise and Final Goal of all Your Children.
Glory to You, Whose Name is Reason for Praise and Fear.
Glory to You. Sovereign God, Truly Beyond Transcendent.
Glory to You, but Closer to Us than We Are to Ourselves.
Father, I adore You with all the strength of
my heart, my mind, my soul and my Spirit.

Glory to You, God the Son of our Heavenly Father.
Glory to You, my most loved Lord Jesus Christ.
Glory to You, God the Son, begotten of the Father .
Glory to You, God born human of the Immaculately Conceived
Womb of Virgin Mary.
Glory to You, God King of All Creation, Conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Glory to You, the Word Made Flesh who Dwelt Among Us.
Glory to You, Promised Messiah, Fully God and Fully Human.
Glory to You, Lamb of God who Takes Away the Sins of the World.
Glory to You, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ Offered Daily for Sinners.
Glory to You Lord Jesus Christ in whose Sacred Heart our souls find refuge.
Glory to You, Fountain of Mercy and Love
Growing in the Hearts of Those Who Love You.
Lord Jesus Christ, I love You with all the strength of
my heart, mind, soul and spirit.

Glory to You, God the Holy Spirit.
Glory to You, God who spoke to Patriarchs, Prophets, and Saints.
Glory to You, Holy Spirit, who Overshadowed the Holy Virgin Mary
as She Conceived.
Glory to You, Holy Spirit, First Gift to Those Who Believe.
Glory to You, Spirit of Pentecost Who Enlightened Mary and the Apostles.
Glory to You, Holy Spirit Guide and Sustainer of the Church.
Glory to You, Giver of Spiritual Gifts.
Glory to You, Promised Paraclete, Our Advocate, Comforter and Guide.
Holy Spirit, I love You with all the strength of my heart, mind, soul and life.

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Power and Might!
Holy God, Mighty God, Immortal God,
we praise You,
we bless You,
we love You,
we worship You,
we give You thank You,
God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
both now and forever. Amen