Serene in tribulations…

My beloved child, let us praise God in everything because all that happens is for our own good. Try to fulfill your duties the best you can and for God alone and always remain happy and serene in all the tribulations of life. As for me, I have placed all in the hands of God and I have been successful. We have to learn to detach ourselves a little, trust in God alone, and do God’s holy will with joy. How beautiful it is to be in the Hands of God, searching His Divine Gaze in readiness to do whatever He wishes.

–Blessed Luisitia Josefa   (1866-1937)

Saints challenge us….

When all is said and done, the saints challenge us to become holy.  Our discomfort with the saints is proof of our discomfort with our calling to live authentic lives.  We have banished the saints from our modern practice of Catholicism because when they are present it is impossible to forget that we are called to holiness.
–Matthew Kelly (1973-

Hope is a good thing…

Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. Hope is one of those things that you can’t buy, but that will be freely given to you if you ask. Hope is the one thing people cannot live without. Hope is a thing of beauty.
–Matthew Kelly (1973-

Distractions are normal…  

Distractions are one of the more common difficulties in prayer. They are absolutely normal and should neither surprise nor sadden us. When we realize that we have become distracted from our prayer and our thoughts are wandering, rather than getting discouraged or angry, we should simply, peacefully and gently bring our minds back to God.
–Jacques Philippe (1947-

Regrets and worries…

One of the wisest sayings in the Gospel is “Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day.” Let us absorb this lesson Jesus teaches. We often complain about how much we are suffering, without realizing that it’s our fault. As if today’s suffering weren’t enough, we add regrets about the past and worries for the future!
–Jacques Philippe (1947-