Be compassionate…

Be compassionate. When you spot faults in others, show courteous sympathy. It is both a test and a proof of your love that you can observe such faults without experiencing shock. Others will have an opportunity to bear with your faults, many of which you may not recognize yourself. Pray for anyone who has a vice and try to practice its opposite virtue. Your actions will teach others far better than your words and suffering. Look for good in others. Don’t forget this. One person’s love can help others. If you become angry and speak hastily, correct yourself immediately and pray resolutely. This also applies to grudges you may have or your desire to be the greatest…. Cry out to Christ and correct yourself.
–Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)

Drink living water…

God will not stop anyone coming to drink his living water. Neither does he insist that some travel one way to and others another. God’s mercy is great, but he forces no one to drink. He gives us the ability to follow and to drink in ways. Numerous stream flow from this abundant spring. Some are large and some are small. There are wading pools for faithful children. We will never lack the water we need to quench our thirst. Push on. The only reason you’re here is to keep striving. It is better to die than to miss this water. The Lord may keep you a little thirsty through this life, but you need not fear that he will fail to give you what you need. Let us never fail him.
–Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)

The foundation of prayer…

My desire is to clearly describe matters related to prayer. This will be very difficult for the uninitiated to understand. It is best for us so not to attempt to rise by its own efforts. If the well is dry, we are not able to put water into it. Pay attention to this. If the soul tries to go forward it may actually go backward. The foundation for prayer is humility. The nearer we come to God, the more you humility we need. There is a kind of pride that makes us want to be more spiritual. God is already doing more for us than we deserve.
–Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)

To will is to do…

Even if the whole world should blame you, and deafen you with its cries, what matter so long as you are in the arms of God? He is powerful enough to free you from everything; for only once did He command the world to be made and it was done; with Him, to will is to do.
–Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)

Believe only those…

Cease troubling about these fears, then, sisters; and never pay heed to such matters of popular opinion. This is no time for believing everyone; believe only those whom you see modeling their lives on the life of Christ. Endeavor always to have a good conscience; practice humility; despise all worldly things; and believe firmly in the teaching of our Holy Mother Church.
–Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)