Renunciations we need to make…

We must now speak of the renunciations, of which tradition and the authority of Holy Scripture show us three, and which every one of us ought with the utmost zeal to make complete: The first is that by which as far as the body is concerned we make light of all the wealth and goods of this world; The second, that by which we reject the fashions and vices and former affections of soul and flesh; The third, that by which we detach our soul from all present and visible things, and contemplate only things to come, and set our heart on what is invisible.
–Saint John Cassian (c. 360-435)

Because they have abandoned…

And because they have abandoned themselves to God in doing, in leaving undone, and in suffering, they have steadfast peace and inward joy, consolation and savor, of which the world cannot partake; neither any dissembler, nor the man who seeks and means himself more than the glory of God.
— Blessed John Ruysbroeck (1293-1381)