Accepting suffering…

I have shed many tears. I have, however, also obtained a favor; after each suffering I understood more clearly Jesus’ conduct towards me… This grace consists in accepting suffering with joy in the firm hope that suffering will come to an end one day.
–Marcel Nguyễn Tân Văn (1928–1959)

Providence of God…

So commit yourself confidently and without hesitation, all that you are, and everything else, individually and in general, to the unfailing and totally reliable providence of God, in silence and in peace, and he will fight for you. He will liberate you and comfort you more fully, more effectively and more satisfactorily than if you were to dream about it all the time, day and night, and were to cast around frantically all over the place with the futile and confused thoughts of your mind in bondage, nor will you wear out your mind and body, wasting your time, and stupidly and pointlessly exhausting your strength.
–Saint Albert the Great (c.1206-1280)

The will of God…

Be resigned to the will of God in all things; make frequent acts of submission; regard with the eye of faith all interior and exterior troubles as coming from God; do not think of the future – that is, of its misfortunes, its trials, and other occurrences which the imagination may conjure up, but dispel them in the will of God.
–Saint Paul of the Cross (1694-1775)

Physical sickness…

Do not be discouraged if physical sickness comes upon you. Who are you to take offense if your Lord-and-master wishes you to be afflicted in your body? Does he not care for you in every way? Could you live without him? Resign yourself and beseech God to grant you what is appropriate, that is, according to his will.
–The Desert Fathers (and Mothers)