Humility is bedrock…

Humility is to charity what the foundation is to a building. Digging the foundation is not building the house, yet it is the preliminary, indispensable work, the condition sine qua non. The deeper, and firmer it is, the better the house will be and the greater assurance of stability it will have… Humility is the firm bedrock upon which every Christian should build the edifice of his spiritual life….Humility forms the foundation of charity by emptying the soul of pride, arrogance, disordered love of self and of one’s own excellence, and by replacing them with the love of God and our neighbor.
–Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen (1893-1953)

Given to Christ…

For he [Christ] said that a glass of water given to a beggar was given to him. He had Heaven hinge on the way we act toward him in his disguise of commonplace, frail, ordinary humanity. Did you give me food when I was hungry? Did you give me to drink when I was thirsty? Did you give me clothes when my own were rags? Did you come to see me when I was sick, or in prison or in trouble? And to those who say, aghast, that they never had a chance to do such a thing, that they lived two thousand years too late, he will say again what they had the chance of knowing all their lives, that if these things were done for the very least of his brethren they were done to him.
–Dorothy Day (1897-1980)

I am a prisoner…

So long as there are poor, – I am poor, – So long as there are prisons, – I am a prisoner, – So long as there are sick, – I am weak, – So long as there is ignorance, – I must learn the truth, – So long as there is hate, – I must love, – So long as there is hunger, – I am famished. – Such is the identification Our Divine Lord would have us make with all whom He made in love and for love.
–Blessed Fulton Sheen (1895-1979)

Giving until it hurts…

You must give what will cost you something. This is giving not just what you can live without, but what you can’t live without, or don’t want to live without, something you really like. Then your gift becomes a sacrifice, which will have value before God. This giving until it hurts – this sacrifice – is what I call love in action.
–Saint Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)