This treasure is everywhere…

But what is the secret of finding this treasure? There isn’t one. This treasure is everywhere. It is offered to us all the time and wherever we are. All creatures, friends, or foes, pour it out in abundance, and it flows through every fiber of our body and soul until it reaches the very core of our being. If we open our mouths they will be filled.
— Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675-1751)

God gives grace…

It is not enough for me that God has given me grace once, but He must give it always. I ask, that I may receive; and when I have received, I ask again. I am covetous of receiving God’s bounty. He is never slow in giving, nor am I ever weary of receiving. The more I drink, the more thirsty I become.
— Saint Jerome (c. 340-420)

God is better…

I assure you that God is much better than you believe. He is content with a glance, a sigh of love. As for me, I find perfection very easy to practice because I have understood it as a matter of taking hold of Jesus by his heart. Look at a little child who has just annoyed his mother. If he hides away in the corner in the sulky mood and in fear of being punished, his momma will not pardon him . But if he comes to her, holding out his little arms, smiling, and saying: “Kiss me, I will not do it again,” will his mother be able not to press him to our heart tenderly and forget his childish mischief? However, she knows her dear little one will do it again on the next occasion, but this does not matter; if he takes her again by the heart, he will not be punished.
–Saint Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897)