When God comes…

When God comes, he always calls us out of our house. We are visited so that we can visit others; we are encountered so as to encounter others; we receive love in order to give love.
–Pope Francis (1936-

Leave it to God…

God is there in these moments of rest and can give us in a single instant exactly what we need. Then the rest of the day can take its course, under the same effort and strain, perhaps, but in peace. And when night looks back and you see how fragmentary everything has been, and how much you planned that has gone undone, and all the reasons you have to be embarrassed and ashamed: just take everything exactly as it is, put it in God’s hands and leave it to Him – really rest – and start the next day as a new life.
–Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (1891-1942)

God’s help…

None of our own attempts and efforts can save us without the help of God, but neither can God’s help be beneficial to us without our own wish for it.
–Saint John Maximovich (1896-1966)

God’s grace can…

What is impossible for humans is possible for God: ‘Caritas omnia sperat’ – ‘Love hopes for everything’. God loves and can do anything. God respects the freedom God gave to humankind but God does not hold back when freely giving graces. God’s grace can be such that it overturns all obstacles and brings the calm after the storm. Let us know how to obtain powerful graces from the one who said: ‘Ask and you shall receive‘ and ‘When two or more of you are gathered in prayer, I am among you.’
–Blessed Charles De Foucauld (1858-1916)