The crucifix…

It was His Will that after His death the Church should give us His image in the crucifix, that he might appear to us in a condition of utmost ignominy. And why? He did it because He knew the worth of humility and the danger of the sin which opposes it.
–Saint Vincent de Paul (1581-1660)

Never boast of what you know…

Never boast of what you know. The more one knows, the more he realizes how ignorant he is. Socrates used to say: Hoc unum scio me nihi scire. [I know only one thing: that I know nothing.] So be humble; first, by being convinced that you know nothing; secondly, by never using your knowledge for evil purposes; finally, by knowing what Jesus Christ teaches us – to forgive injuries received, to forgive our enemies.
–Saint John Bosco (1815-1888)

Jesus went down…

His whole life long he did nothing but go down. He went down in becoming flesh, he went down in becoming a baby, went down in obeying, went down in becoming poor, rejected, persecuted, crucified, in always taking the lowest place.
–Blessed Charles De Foucauld (1858-1916)

A truly humble…

A truly humble person never believes that he can be wronged in anything. Truly, we ought to be shamed to resent whatever is said or done against us; for it is the greatest shame in the world to see that our Creator bears so many insults from His creatures, and that we resent even a little word that is contradictory.
–Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)