What sort of people are we…

What sort of people are we if we want to receive, when God offers, but when God asks, we refuse to give? For when a poor man hungers, it is Christ who suffers want, as he himself has said: “I was hungry and you gave me no food.” Do not despise the misery of the poor if you want a sure hope of forgiveness for your sins. Christ is hungry now, brethren, in all the poor. He consents to suffer hunger and thirst – and whatever he receives on earth he will give back in heaven.
–Saint Caesarius of Arles (460-542)

We call friends…

By the law of charity we are ordered to welcome into the bosom of love not only our friends but also our enemies.  But we call friends only those to whom we have no qualm about entrusting our heart and all its contents.
— Saint Aelred of Rievaulx 1110-1167)

Nourishing internal resentment…

I have seen people preserving a calm exterior . . . while beneath an appearance of quiet they are nourishing internal resentment. I regard them as more pitiable than those who give vent to their feelings. Their dreary character puts the Dove, the Holy Spirit, to flight.
–Saint John Climacus (c. 525-606)