Unifying element to…

Is your life merely a continuous chain of events with time for sleeping, for rising, for eating, for study, for work, for relaxation, watching television, or reading newspapers? If there is not unifying element to your life, it will be meaningless. That element is the love of God. With it your life will change and all your actions will testify to God’s presence within you.
–Francois-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuân (1928-2002)

The older saints get…

The older saints get, the younger their hearts become. Do not let your heart grow old with the passing of time. Love with a love which daily grows ever more intense, ever more new, ever more pure—that is, with the love which God pours into your heart.
–Francois-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuân (1928-2002)

The only motive…

The only motive behind my religious life is the love of God. I have tried to do everything for him. Whatever happens to me, whether I am lost or saved, I will continue to act purely for the love of God.
–Brother Lawrence (1614-1691)