Prayer is an…

Prayer is an encounter and a relationship, a relationship which is deep, and this relationship cannot be forced either on us or on God. The fact that God can make Himself present or can leave us with the sense of His absence is part of this live and real relationship
–Anthony Bloom (1914-2003)

Have I prayed well today?

Theophan the Recluse says: ‘You ask yourself, “Have I prayed well today?” Do not try to find out how deep your emotions were, or how much deeper you understand things divine; ask yourself: “Am I doing God’s will better than I did before?” If you are, prayer has brought its fruits, if you are not, it has not, whatever amount of understanding or feeling you may have derived from the time spent in the presence of God.’
–Anthony Bloom (1914-2003)

Take up the cross…

Whoever from deep within her noble and zealous heart wishes to take up the cross, let her first take up the arms necessary for such battles; first is diligence; second, distrust of self; third, confidence in God; fourth, memory of his Passion; fifth, memory of one’s own death; sixth, memory of the glory of God; seventh and last, the authority of Holy Scripture following the example of Christ Jesus in the desert.
–Saint Catharine of Bologna (1413-1463)