Love all human beings…

We should hold everyone in high esteem.We should love all humankind for they are children of God. God wants his children to love one another in the same way as a loving father wants his sons to love each other. Let us love all human beings because they are our brothers and sisters; God wants us to look at them tenderly and love them just as they are, because each is a child of God, who is beloved and adored.
–Blessed Charles De Foucauld (1858-1916)

In little things…

Have that tender care that expresses itself in the little things that are like a balm for the heart… With our neighbors go into the smallest details, whether it is a question of health, of consolation, of prayerfulness, or of need. Console and ease the pain of others through the tiniest of attentions. Be as tender and attentive towards those whom God puts on our path, as a brother towards brother or as a mother for her child. As much as possible be an element of consolation for those around us, as soothing balm, as our Lord was towards all those who drew near to him.
–Blessed Charles De Foucauld (1858-1916)

Unless we are merciful…

If a box is filled with salt, it cannot be filled with sand, and if our hearts are filled with hatred of our neighbor, how can God fill them with His love? We must forgive others, for on no other condition will our own sins be forgiven. It is as simple as that. There can be and there will be no mercy toward us unless we ourselves are merciful.
–Blessed Fulton Sheen (1895-1979)