Characteristics required in prayer…

Seven characteristics are required in prayers. Prayer should be faithful, in accordance with the scripture: “Whatever you pray for, believe that you already have it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24) then prayer should be pure, after the example of Abraham, who drove the birds away from his sacrifice. (Genesis 15:11) Third, it should be just. Fourth, it should be heartfelt, since “the heartfelt prayer of a just person works very powerfully.” (James 5:16) fifth, it should be humble. Sixth, it should be fervent (these last two characteristics you see in the mustard seed.) And seventh, it should be devout.
— Saint Bernard of Clairvaux  (1090-1153)

The dawn of redemption…

Today is the dawn of the new redemption, of the old restoration, of eternal happiness. Today the heavens have distilled honey throughout the whole world. Then, O my soul, kiss this divine manger, press your lips to the Infant’s feet and embrace them. Meditate on the shepherds watching their flocks, contemplate the angelic hosts, prepare to join the heavenly melody, singing with your lips and with your heart: ‘Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to men of good will.’
–Saint Bonaventure (1221-1274)

The name of Jesus…

If you think of the name ‘Jesus’ continually and cling to it devotedly, then it will cleanse you from sin and set your heart aflame; it will enlighten your soul, remove turbulence, and eliminate lethargy; it will give the wound of love and fill the soul to overflowing with love; it will chase off the devil and eliminate terror, open heaven, and create a mystic.
— Richard Rolle (c. 1300-1349)