No long discourses…

There is no need at all to make long discourses; it is enough to stretch out one’s hand and say, “Lord, as you will, and as you know, have mercy.” And if the conflict grows fiercer say, “Lord help!” God knows very well what we need and He shows us His mercy.
— Saint Macarius the Great (c. 300-391)

When we pray…

But let our speech and petition when we pray be under discipline, observing quietness and modesty. Let us consider that we are standing in God’s sight. We must please the divine eyes both with the habit of body and with the measure of voice.
–Saint Cyprian of Carthage  (c. 200-258)

Prayer is more perfect…

Prayer is more perfect when it is interior, when a soul prays in the spirit of God. These are deep words, I know, but God can make even stones like me speak when he wishes. Let the immense Good rest in your soul. God in you and you in God. A divine work. I do not know how to say it, but God feeds on your spirit and your spirit feeds on the Spirit of God. My food is Christ and I am his.
–Saint Paul of the Cross (1694-1775)