Grace holds precedence…

As oil floats on all other liquids, so grace holds precedence over the rest of the gifts, virtues, blessings, and fruits of the Holy Spirit, for without the grace that makes us pleasing to God we cannot be saved whatever else we have. As, however skilled and practiced a man may be in any art, he cannot practice it without the proper instruments, so whatever other virtues and qualities a man may have, without grace he cannot perform actions worthy of eternal life.
–Francisco de Osuna (1497-1541)

In love, God…

In love did He bring the world into existence; in love does He guide it during this its temporal existence; in love is He going to bring it to that wondrous transformed state, and in love will the world be swallowed up in the great mystery of Him who has performed all these things; in love will the whole course of the governance of creation be finally comprised.
–Saint Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century)

Christ draws near…

Is it not true that Christ draws near with love to those who turn away from him? That he struggles with them, begs them not to scorn his love, and if they show only aversion and remain deaf to his appeals, becomes himself their advocate?
–Pseudo-Dionysius (Fifth-Sixth Century)