Give ourselves entirely…

When we give ourselves up entirely to His guidance and allow Him to do as He pleases with us, He enables us to make great progress in a short time, almost without our knowing it, except for the struggles in which His grace continually engages our immortified nature.
–Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647- 1690)

Settle little store by consolations…

Set little store by consolations and tenderness in devotion, and do not be elated when the Lord gives them nor disconsolate when he withholds them. When I hear men of learning and intelligence making such a fuss because God is not giving them feelings of devotion, it revolts me to listen to them: they should master themselves and go on their way.
–Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)

In the life of a Christian…

You are one with Jesus as the members are one with the head, so you must have with him one spirit, one soul, one life, one will, one intention, one heart. It is he himself who is to be spirit, heart, love, life, everything for you. In the life of a Christian all these marvels have their origin in baptism, are increased and strengthened by confirmation and the good use of the other graces in which God makes him share, and are perfected above all by the holy Eucharist.
–Saint John Eudes (1601-1689)