Be an open vessel…

In prayer, you must be as a vessel open and exposed before God that he may distill into it his grace, drop by drop, as he wills. God will fill your soul with this divine water if you come before him often with lively faith.
–Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (1572-1641)

When my heart began to warm…

I cannot tell you how surprised I was the first time I felt my heart begin to warm. It was real warmth, too, not imaginary, and it felt as if it were actually on fire. I was astonished at the way the heat surged up, and how this new sensation brought great and unexpected comfort. I had to keep feeling my breast to make sure there was no physical reason for it! But once I realized that it came entirely from within… I was absolutely delighted, and wanted my love to be even greater.
–Richard Rolle (c. 1300-1349)

Difficulties in the spiritual life…

We must study ever to regard God and His Glory in all that we do, and say, and undertake. This is the end that we should set before ourselves, to offer to God a sacrifice of perfect worship in this life, as we hope to do through all eternity. We ought firmly to resolve to overcome, with the grace of God assisting us, the many difficulties which will meet us in the spiritual life.
–Brother Lawrence (1614-1691)