All God’s gifts…

All God’s gifts to us are beyond all beauty and are the origin of all our goodness, but there is nothing that can set our hearts on fire or move them to the love of goodness itself as much as the gift of divine understanding. It is the firstborn child of God’s grace and the first of the great gifts he gives to the soul. It starts by disconnecting us from our current obsessive desires and gives us, instead of our longing for corruptible things, a deepening love for the ineffable riches of divine comprehensions. From that point onward, the mind catches fire in a blaze of transcendence, so as to become a concelebrant in the liturgy of the angels.
–Saint Diadochus of Photike (c. 400 – c. 486)

The ways of God…

The ways of God are entirely different from our ways. To us it seems necessary to employ powerful means in order to produce great effects. This is not God’s method; quite the contrary. He likes to choose the weakest instruments that He may confound the strong: “God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong — Infirma mundi elegit ut confundat fortia.” (1 Cor 1:27)
–Blessed Columba Marmion (1858-1923)

We are so loved by God…

For we are so preciously loved by God that we cannot even comprehend it. No created being can ever know how much and how sweetly and tenderly God loves them. It is only with the help of his grace that we are able to persevere in spiritual contemplation with endless wonder at his high, surpassing, immeasurable love which our Lord in his goodness has for us.
–Saint Julian of Norwich (1342-1416)

If God is for us?

If God is for us, what evil could possibly harm us? One can never insist enough on the necessity of quiet, meditative prayer – the real source of interior peace. The heart does not awaken to confidence until it awakes in love.
–Jacques Philippe (1947-

Those who travel with God…

Those who travel with God feel free; they feel that they have nothing to fear, that they are not subject to control, but on the contrary that everything is subject to them because everything works together for their good, whether favorable or unfavorable circumstances, good or bad. They feel that everything belongs to them because they are God’s children; that nothing can limit them, because God belongs to them. They are not subject to conditions but always do what they want because what they want is to love, and that is always within their power. Nothing can separate them from the God they love; and they feel that even if they were in prison, they would be just as happy, because there is no way that any power in the world could take God away from them.
–Jacques Philippe (1947-